Monday, August 20, 2012

I have a degree in Holistic Nutrition but you wouldn't know it by looking at me. I have let the hussle and bussle of single mom of 3 boys make me a snackaholic which has made me obese. I hate that word and I can't believe it is used to describe me.  Makes me feel so insecure, embarassed and disappointed in myself because of my weight.  I have said I'll start tomorrow or start a good plan then go back into the old ways. Don't get me wrong I do eat very healthy too much very healthy. I admit to eating way too much junk and processed foods. Mostly I think I do this as a punishment to myself and to hold myself back to living.It's my comfort not letting other people in.
 I can tell anyone else what to eat, make meal plans all day long but since I don't follow my own advise I feel like a joke. . NO more excuses NO more I'll start tomorrow!!! I am starting today and anyone else that would like to follow for their own health, encouragement or knowledge of nutrition I would love the encouragement and having to be held accountable. I got my nutrition degree 10 yrs ago with hopes of opening a health food store/consulting business. Hoping writing down a little everyday will help me get my grove back.
To start off I have made myself a lifestyle plan NOT A DIET!! Tell me what not to eat and that will be the first thing I want to eat. So I am focusing on the many many good foods I can eat.

Eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day. Avoid all processed and fried foods

80-100 calories whole grain
60 calories fruit
150 calories of protein

Lunch & Dinner
Whole grain-80 calories
vegetable-25 calories
protein 160-90 calories
fruit-60 calories

snacks are always my weakness I'll start today with good healthy options and portions my biggest challenge
Healthy Snack ideas
1 cup fat free or greek yogurt, 1/2 cup berries
1/4 cup hummus 1/2 whole grain pita
100 calorie guacamole pack 1 cup raw veggies
1 peach or 2 small plums, 20 pistachios
1/2 cup edamame
1 slice whole-grain toast, 2 tb almond butter or natural peanut butter
1 slice toast w 1ts flax oil or almond oil
1/2 cup smoothie/veggie juice
1 oz low fat cheese
7 almonds
1 cup warm milk with protein poweder and cinnamon
1/2 oz dark chocolate
1 small baked sweet potato
boiled egg 1/2 cup dried fruit
apple with nut butter
handful of almonds


  1. Love that you are doing this!! I will definitely use your knowledge to help me eat healthier during my pregnancy!!

  2. I would love to help any way I can Kim!! I started on my degree when I was pregnant with August and Ethan was just eating meals with us not just out of a jar. I was very passionate about them having the best start. I have been lucky to have 3 very openminded eaters.
    I craved Flax Oil and toast with all 3 of my pregnancies. Might be why they are so smart. Aids in brain function along with lots of other great benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.
