Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 6-Day Before the detox

Tomorrow starts the 5 day detox plan. It couldn't be coming at a better time because I feel a cold coming on as the weather is changing. The great thing about the detox is there are very few congesting/acid forming foods. 
Today I started with a hot glass of lemon water, an apple and bowl of oatmeal about an hour later.  I already started feeling better. Ethan(my master chef 12 yr old) and I made a good healthy soup for lunch.
Recipe for Hearty Soup:
saute 1/2 onion in 2 TB of coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil
add 4 cloves minced garlic
5 chopped stalks of celery
4 chopped carrots
1 TB cayenne pepper(add more or less depending on how hot you like it)
add water
1/2 cup uncooked barley or quinoa
1 chopped sweet potato
handful chopped kale, cabbage or another green
bring to a boil 
simmer for about 30-45 mins 

makes 6-8 servings

All my boys loved all of it but one didn't want kale in his after he tried it he said it was good but still didn't want it in his soup so I got his.  Reminded me of when I was a kid my sister hated raisins so I got all her raisins out of the Raisin Bran, the best part to me. 

We made it up off the top of our heads adding stuff. I am not sure how much water we added  at least 3 cups. We might have to buy some measuring cups and spoons if we continue blogging.

I have almost completed the menu plan for the detox that will begin for Ambra and myself tomorrow. Wish us luck!!! The menu will be posted later on this afternoon if you want to join us in our Fall Detox.  We have a couple beginning next week. When you begin isn't important Sunday was good for us.
The shopping list was posted yesterday if you missed it.

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