Friday, August 24, 2012

Grocery list for the detox

The grocery list for the detox is as follows:
produce-garlic, onions, scallions, celery, carrots, fennel, parsley, a big bag of lemons, potatoes
green leafy veggies of your choice-spinach, kale, watercress, cabbage, romaine lettuce
veggies for steaming(pick at least 2) broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, squash, zucchini
fruit-canalope, berries, pineapple, mango, grapefruit, apples, pears, watermelon

grains-brown rice, quinoa, millet, wild rice(pick all or your favorite)

Greek yogurt, rice, coconut, almond or soy milk(pick your favorite)

healthy fats- flax oil, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sesame tahini, natural peanut butter or almond butter
Bragg's Liquid Aminos, maple syrup or molassas, coconut water

beans for lean protein in soups-garbanzo, black beans, kidney, (fish, chicken or turkey for day 4-5)

seeds-chai seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower

spices-cayenne, ginger
teas-green, ginger, peppermint, spearmint or chamomile

If there is a fruit, veggie, grain that you do not like or you know doesn't agree with you please subsitute it. If you need any help I will be glad to give you assistance. Above all listen to your body. If your body is used to the traditional American diet you may have headaches as you detox. Go at your own pace. Green tea has some caffeine in it drinking it will help with the coffee cravings. Which is going to be the hardest for me. I love my coffee.
If you need help finding an item just let me know.

A few days before the starting the detox start reducing your meats, eggs, cheese, alcohol, soft drinks. A detox isn't something you jump into and right out of. You need to prepare for it as well as slowly get out. And go to a healthier diet and lifestyle.

For those of you that would like to add chlorophyll rich froods that will be great I left that out because I am trying my best to keep it simple. But spirulina, chlorella, and barley grass are great to help stabillize and maintain the acid/alkaline balance of food. Sea greens are also great but it's hard to find in this small town. Another of many many reasons why I need to open a store :)

I found this great chart online that helps explain the acid and alkaline foods. Try to stay away from the acid foods during this detox.

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