Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 4-Addition of proteins & starches back into the diet

Today we are adding more lean proteins such as eggs, baked chicken or turkey & FISH! No fried foods, no packaged foods and no red meat. Other than that your options are endless. Well don't eat endless amounts. Keep your servings minimal about 3 oz of chicken, turkey OR fish twice a day. If you decide you are enjoying going meat free there are lots of other options such as beans, hummus, quinoa, almond butter or natural peanut butter.
We are also adding more starches, whole grain bread and sweet potatoes. Remember to check the ingredients to be sure it says "whole" wheat as the first ingredient
You can now add my favorite avocado to  your salads. They are rich in fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid.
As your are getting back into a world out of the detox be aware of what you eat. I use a calorie counting app on my phone it helps me not to eat another handful of nuts or a bite of my kids sandwich. If I have to write it down I am much less likely to eat something that isn't nutritious.
Keep up with your hot lemon tea in the mornings, green tea all day and lots of water

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