Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 1 of Detox :)

I woke up so excited to start the detox and have 2 of my favorite people following along with me. Thank you Summer and Ambra! Good luck this week!!
Apparently I have forgotten how overwhelming protein powder taste. I thought 1/2 scoop would be ok but not with just pineapple and mango, hard for me to stomach.  If you like the taste of it rock on, but I decided to add some stronger tasting fruits. Bananas have a strong taste so I added 1/2 a banana and a handful of blueberries and strawberries frozen. Now I am enjoying it. I don't want anyone, including myself, to put anything into their bodies they don't love. If you don't like chai seeds in your drink you can get almost the same benefits with flax oil with your salad dressing. If you need any help figuring out how to replace something or want to leave the protein powder out all together I will help you find good alternatives. Such as a boiled egg or peanut butteror almond butter in your smoothie.
A really good smoothie I love is
handful parsley, 1 apple, 1/4 scoop protein powder, 2 bananas and 1 TB natural peanut butter or almond butter

after dinner edit
Today went great. I rarely make time or even think of making quinoa in the several years since the buying club ended. Well we had it for dinner tonight and might have it for dinner almost every night this week.  We had quinoa, steamed carrots and cauliflower, garbanzo beans, sauted onions, shitake mushrooms and spinach in coconut oil.  Sorry I had those in the fridge and I know I didn't include it in the detox. You can on the other 4 days if you like:) Shitake mushrooms contain all the 8 essential amino acids so it's a complete protein and very tasty.
Lunch was a romaine lettuce salad with carrots and toasted sunflower seeds
snacked on celery and carrots through out the day

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