Saturday, August 25, 2012

Detox Menu

I have struggled in making this as simple to follow as possible with multiple options for different tastes. If this is hard to follow or understand please let me know. I am shocked how many followers we have. I am loving all the feedback! This is what I have down so far.  This is my first trial in making my personal detox so trial and error.  We may have to add a few things or take away as we see what works best for us. Lunch and dinner can be switched if you like your heaviest meal for lunch rather than dinner.
Good snacks are celery, carrots, green veggies you can add hummus or natural peanut butter but only 1-2 TB(servings are very important with nuts and seeds and so easy to eat more than one serving),
apples or oat cakes with natural peanut butter, smartpop popcorn, grapes or 1/2 grapefruit

drink a hot glass of water with a lemon upon rising
fresh fruit smoothie with 1/2 scoop protein powder

mid-morning snack

Green salad or vegetable juice

Afternoon snack

soup or brown rice, quinoa or millet with steamed veggies

Ideas for fruit drinks
plain greek yogurt
milk(rice, soy or coconut)
fresh pineapple or strawberries
frozen mangos, berries 7/OR banana
1/2 scoop protein powder(we use Spiru-Tein or Jillian Michael's)

clear skin
2 slices Pineapple, 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 apple, 1/4 inch slice Ginger root

congestion apple cleanse
juice 2 large apples, 1/2 ts grated horseradish

Ideas for vegetable juice
 (from Linda Page)
Personal Best V-8
makes 6 glasses
Juice 6-8 tomatoes(or 4 cups tomato juice) 3-4 green onions with tops, 1/2 green pepper, 2 carrots, 2 stalks celery, 1/2 bunch spinach, 1/2 bunch parsley, 2 lemons, 1 TB snipped sea greens(any kind)

add 2 ts Bragg's Liquid Aminos and 1/2 ts celery seed

Overweight Detox
juice 1 large handful dark greens like spinach, kale or parsley, 1 stalk celery with leaves, 1 carrot, 1 bell pepper 1 tomato, and 1 broccoli floweret , 1 ts dry sea greens( any kind)

Skin Cleanser
Juice 1 cucumber with skin, 1/2 bunch parsley or 1 ts snipped dry sea greens(any kind) one 4 oz tub alfalfa sprouts, 3-4 springs mint

Ideas for Salad-
dark leafy greens-kale, cabbage, romaine, or spinach
grated carrot, beets, bell peppers, green onions, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds(be mindful of how much seeds you eat, it is the hardest thing for me I always want 4 servings)
beans-garbanzo, black beans, kidney beans,
lemon juice,  Bragg's Liquid Aminos, flax oil and olive oil mixed for the dressing
or miso dressing-3 cloves garlic, 3/4 balsamic vinegar, 1/2 cup filtered water, 6 oz miso, 2 ts prepared mustard, 1/8 cup olive oil(makes 2 cups will last in the fridge for 2 weeks)

Ideas for Soup
Hearty Soup(barley and kale)

Garlic soup
1 1/2 qt water
4 sweet potatoes
2 stalks celery
2 large bulbs garlic
1/2 ts thyme
dash oregano, cayenne, and salt to taste

Millet, squash and bean soup
1 cup aduki or black beans
1 1/2 cups millet(roast in skillet first)
4 cups water
1 piece kombu seaweed

place beans, millet, water and seaweed in a pot bring to a boil simmer covered for 30 mins

you can drink green or herbal tea, cucumber water, coconut water anytime throughout the day

good spices to add are ginger, cayenne, garlic

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