Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 3-research for the fall detox

Today I have been working on a fall detox plan which will cover a 2 week period.  Only 5 days of which will be a detoxing.  The other days will be preparing for the detox and breaking the detox slowing introducing more. A few of my great supportive friends will be joining me on this if anyone else wants to just follow along. We will begin next week with the actual detox starting Sunday, September 2nd. I am making a meal plan for all the days of the fast and a few days after to transitioning into a healthier more holistic diet.
I do not agree with a lot of detox plans the work the same way a crash diet works.  The person gains the weight right back plus more. I am making a custom plan that includes protein, the daily requirement of calories, and lots of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
We live in a small town without a good health food store or even Publix so a lot of good ancient grains even some vegetables are not easy to come by. I am keeping that in mind along with a lot of people may not have a juicer for vegetable juices but a good blender will be needed.
Next week we will begin reducing acid foods from the diet(meat, eggs, milk, peanuts, cashews, pastachios, butter, margarine....And eliminating refined foods, sugar and fried foods. This will make the detox easier.

I will have the menu up by next sunday so you will have a week to shop for all the ingredients needed for the week.
An example of a day will be as follows:
upon rising a hot cup of water with juice of one lemon, 1/2 ts cayenne, up to 1 TB pure maple syrup to taste
breakfast-fresh fruit or vegetable juice
lunch-green salad, grated carrot with homemade dressing(lemon juice, balsamic vinegar mixture of flax and olive oil
dinner-detox soup-potatoes, garlic cloves, parsley, carrots, celery, onion, zucchini and fennel
brown rice, mixed steamed veggies, 1 TB flax oil or olive oil and 1 TB Bragg's

drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. As much green or ginger tea as wanted sweetened with honey
use as many fat burning spices as wanted-ginger, cinnamon, garlic, mustard and cayenne as wanted

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