Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 5-Final day of detox

Today is the final day of the detox. I am not going back to empty calories and packaged foods. When I started the week I felt a cold coming on but with all the hot lemon water, herbal teas, soups and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I feel great!
Issac had brought rainy, windy weather good day for herbal tea with lemon

Also, a great day for a good hearty quinoa and kale soup. The kids being out of school due to the hurricane can be a good thing.

Quinoa, Kale and Leek Soup
1 TB olive oil or grapeseed oil
4 garlic cloves
1/2 onion
4 stalks of celery chopped
1 bell pepper chopped
1 ts chopped ginger
handful baby carrots
1 leek chopped
cayenne pepper
1/2 strip kelp or kombu
2 sweet potatoes pealed and diced
2 potatoes pealed and diced
1 cup uncooked quinoa
package of frozen corn or fresh
big handful of kale
salt and pepper to taste

Saute onion until clear. About 5 mins on medium heat. Add the garlic, celery and bell pepper cook for 2 minutes. Add the ginger, carrots, leeks and cayenne pepper. Saute for about 2 mins so the spice absorbs into the vegetables.
Add the remainder of the ingredients except the kale and corn. Cook on low heat for 20 mins
Add corn and kale cook for another 10 mins.

Make sure to wash the quinoa or it will have a soapy taste. Soak the leeks and kale so there is no dirt.
You can also add other root veggies, parsnips, turnip root or fennel(this is a strong liquorice taste which I LOVE, it also helps lose fat cells

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