Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Updates and my granola recipe

Life has been busy with my very active boys. We had a busy busy weekend with cross country races, wake boarding and archery competitions. I plan on putting up a new recipe daily for the next week. The detox is over and now I am falling into a healthy eating lifestyle. So far the only problems is eating on the go. Most days end around 7pm and that is just too late to cook a good dinner. Having the soups ready to heat up is great but still I would much rather eat earlier in the night.
Another major frustration is wanting to weigh myself every day. Of course not much change a healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs a week. I need to start weighing myself every week or every 3 days at the most. I need to focus more on how much energy I have now and how much lighter I feel and how my clothes are fitting.  Granola is a good food to eat on the go for my active family. Like nuts and seeds make sure not to over eat.

3cups rolled oats
3 cups of chopped nuts and seeds(I like almonds, walnuts, pecans and sunflower seeds)
1/2 cup grape seed oil or coconut oil
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
2 ts vanilla extract
2 ts cinnamon
dash of almond extract
 dash sea salt
dried fruit(I love dates, blueberries and dried mango but you can use raisins, pineapple, apricots, currants) watch the sugar content of the dried fruit some have a lot more than others

mix oats, nuts and seed into a large bowl.
heat oil, syrup, extracts, salt and cinnamon in a saucepan.
Pour onto the oat mixture when hot.
Spread it out on a cookie sheet
bake at 350 for 20 mins stirring every 5 mins.
after it is cooled down add the dried fruit

this can be eaten for breakfast or a snack with Greek yogurt, with milk or on it's own.

Enjoy what you eat!! Enjoy your life!

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