Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st day of Detox #2

Today is the first day of the new detox I am glad I changed it up some. Added more protein and few more healthy snacks. I was getting so stuck in eating the same veggies I made my mom promise she would tell me if I started turning orange from all the beta carotene I've been eating and juicing.  I made several different options for the detox but I seemed to keep eating the same for lunch and dinner. So I had to change that up today. As soon as you get stuck in "ohhh please not another salad or bowl of soup" the diet is all off for me so I am shaking it up a little bit and adding more color. Pears and walnuts in my salad at lunch. Steamed turnip greens and asparagus with some summer squash and red bells with a lot of blood cleansing garlic. A beautiful colorful plate of food makes this not feel at all like a diet. I will tell you the truth I am glad we changed it to only 2 days of smoothie, soup and salad and adding some eggs, chicken, turkey and my favorite fish in the other days! Protein powder is gross and nuts and seeds are so easy to over eat on for me at least. My kids are in no way picky eaters and love their fruits and like all veggies except uncooked tomatoes(they will come around) so not only am I eating healthier but they are too. Can't ask for anything better than that. Ethan is going to be on and win Master Chef when he is 18 so let the training begin.

Live your dream!!

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