Monday, September 17, 2012

Starting over

I have fallen off the wagon a little bit over the weekend. Sugar was calling my name and I let it win. Strawberry cake, banana pudding, ice cream and cheesecake. Wow all of that in just a few days. Needless to say just a few days of bad eating has made me feel slow and heavy. So instead of beating myself up and continue the bad habit, I am starting over. Sipping my hot lemon water has already helped my sore throat.

I started off eating healthier as a way to get some of the extra weight off, but after falling into some bad habits I am starting over mainly to feel better mentally, more energy, and a healthier glow about my skin. It isn't easy but it is already paying off. I did a vitality quiz on
it said I am 2 years younger than I actually am and lot of that has to do with all the fruits and veggies I've been eating. I'm sure if I was married or in a happy relationship I could have shaved off a couple more years but I'm happy with 32.

I packed my lunch for today. Cabbage & spinach salad with a dressing I made with balsamic vinegar, walnut oil, flax oil and fresh lemon juice. I never ate raw cabbage before except in a Cole slaw. It's cut up like slaw for a salad it's great. One thing I learned many years ago when I was a vegetarian is I eat a lot more variety of foods when focusing on a natural foods diet.

I walked out to the compost this morning and was surprised how many bell peppers and cherry tomatoes are still producing. I urge everyone to grow something even if it's just some herbs in a window seal. Cilantro works better in the fall, spring and early summer in a small greenhouse on the back porch. Just one example.

Don't give up keep going if you fail pick yourself back up again, dust off and keep going. You will thank yourself in the end. BE STRONG!

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