Sunday, September 2, 2012

Revised Detox for Tuesday-next sunday

Last week was the detox for the most part it went great. Both Ambra and I lost weight, have more energy and feel so much better. So much better in fact we  decided we wanted to do it again but change it a little so it's easier to follow and we aren't starving at 2pm. I am adding in some more snacks and protein.

Start every day with a hot glass of water with the juice of 1 lemon

Day 1&2
Breakfast-fruit smoothie or vegetable juice w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder or 1 TB natural peanut butter
mid morning snack-carrots & celery with 1 TB hummus
Lunch-veggie juice or salad rich with lots of green leafy veggies and added protein*
snack-apple w/ almond butter or natural peanut butter
Dinner-soup or whole grain with steamed veggies with added protein*
*these 2 days will be vegetarian...add beans(garbanzo, black beans, black eyed peas, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds to your soups, steamed veggies and salads

Day 3-5

Breakfast-1 piece of fruit within 30 mins of waking-apple, pear, 1/2 grapefruit, cantaloupe
               -2 eggs cooked any way, steamed spinach
                       or 1 bowl of oatmeal with walnuts or sunflower seeds and 1 TB Greek yogurt
                       or 1 slice sprouted bread like Ezekiel or rye bread with 1 TB flax oil
                       or mixed berries with plain Greek yogurt topped with sunflower seeds
mid morning snack-pop corn or 6 crackers 1 oz low fat cheese
Lunch-Salad with protein(fish, chicken, turkey, shrimp, garbanzo beans & quinoa, edamame or 1/4 cup mixed nuts or seeds
snack-17 grapes and 1 oz low fat cheese, 1/2 oz almonds, OR  4-6oz Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup fruit
Dinner-whole grain(brown rice, quinoa, amaranth) with steamed veggies and 3 oz serving of meat,               fish, or beans
            or soup
            or 1 sweet potato or butternut squash with steamed veggies

drink lots of water throughout the day
unlimited green tea and herbal teas
spices-Cayenne, ginger, turmeric, and garlic are great additions to any detox!

Everyone is different if you are not hungry for the snacks then wait until your next meal. I find I need my afternoon snack but everyone is different. You have to do what feels good for you. You shouldn't get hungry during this time. If you have any questions on substituting just let me know and I will try my best to find something that works for your individual needs.
I have tried to have many different meal and snack options days 3-5 which will be what your lifestyle diet should look like.

Ideas for Salad-
dark leafy greens-kale, cabbage, romaine, or spinach
grated carrot, beets, bell peppers, green onions, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds(be mindful of how much seeds you eat, it is the hardest thing for me I always want 4 servings)
beans-garbanzo, black beans, kidney beans,
lemon or lime juice, Bragg's Liquid Aminos, flax oil and olive oil mixed for the dressing
or miso dressing-3 cloves garlic, 3/4 balsamic vinegar, 1/2 cup filtered water, 6 oz miso, 2 ts prepared mustard, 1/8 cup olive oil(makes 2 cups will last in the fridge for 2 weeks)

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